When I thought I should stop celebrating my birthday, everybody is celebrating it for me. lol. I wasn't really in the mood of celebrating it like I did in my past birthdays. It just makes me sad that on my 18th birthday I'm not with my friends, where I should be having a big birthday bash... But I guess I can't have everything. If I think about it again.. it's not really a big loss.. I can never take it to heaven.
So yea, instead of eating outside I requested to just stay at home and buy me ice cream and a cake that has my name on it then I'm okay. I didn't have a name on my cake but it's so delicious and so pretty that I can't cut it with my own hands.. haha! And my mom bought foods that are good for one week :)) And I'm very thankful for everything. God knows what can make me smile =D..
And I got a new guitar too! It was totally unexpected, I know they were planning something because my churchmates are not good with telling lies.. hahaha! When I saw the guitar center sign I was like "Are you gonna buy me a guitar??"... "Is my favorite artist is gonna play for me there??" (this one is my craziness) "Don't tell me your making me play in there! No in the highway!!!" So yea they were like choose any guitar Yssa.. I hope I came prepared that time, but I really felt that I choose a right guitar for me.. it's Ovation and the cheapest there.. I was too shy to choose the pricey one but I know I got a good deal with my guitar.. So I'm very happy! God knows what I needed.. I didn't even pray for it.. I only wished for it in my own crazy mind, but I guess even those crazy thoughts God hears and if it's His willing, He will allow it.. Thank You Lord!..
My mom bought me balloons that I always wanted to have in my birthdays because I can feel it's my birthday :D And I envy my sister for having one when she was young. And I told them to have a family picture because it's been three years since our last one.. We really had fun taking pictures. =D.. I'm happy that it ended nicely.. nothing to worry about getting home early and everything is very relaxed just the way I wanted it to be :D
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